Each year Ardgowan Hospice provides free care and support to many hundreds of patients and their families in Inverclyde. This means we rely on the generosity of the community. Legacy gifts are extremely important and allow us to secure the long-term future of hospice care in Inverclyde. Without them, we simply would not be able to provide all the services we do.
After you have made arrangements for your family you may also decide to leave a gift to charity in your Will. This is something completely personal and based on your own life experiences and views. By leaving a gift to Ardgowan Hospice in your Will, you will help us make a positive impact on the quality of life for so many people and for the generations to come.
For many people, leaving a gift in your Will could be the single biggest donation you ever make. It is also likely to be the one that makes the biggest difference. Why not leave a gift to Ardgowan Hospice in your will?
It’s a common myth that only the rich and famous leave money to charity when they die. This couldn’t be any further from the truth. The reality is that, without the gifts left in wills by our loyal donors and supporters, many charities like Ardgowan Hospice would struggle to exist. Legacies are vital in ensuring that we continue to provide our range of specialist services to patients, their families and carers.
When asked, 35% of people in the UK say they’d happily leave a gift in their will to one or more charities, once family and friends have been provided for. The problem is only 7% actually do.
That’s why, if you consider leaving some money in your will to Ardgowan Hospice, you could make a huge impact.
So, you don’t have to be rich and famous to make a contribution that can make a difference. We can all do something amazing just by leaving a gift in our wills to charity. If you would like to have a confidential discussion regarding leaving a legacy or making a will, please contact Elaine Grealey, Head of Income Generation, on 01475 726830 or elaine.grealey@ardhosp.co.uk,
You don’t have to leave a lot – even the smallest gift can transform lives.