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Leaving a gift in your Will

Help hospice care live on for all, for now, forever by leaving a gift in your will.

Your legacy story

In memory of Ann

"My mother passed away eight years ago and had made use of the Hospice. Before becoming unwell, she dedicated her time to volunteering at the Ardgowan Hospice shop on West Stewart Street. She adored her time there. Leaving a gift in my will is my way to continue her legacy while supporting others."


To leave a gift in your Will to Ardgowan Hospice, all you need to provide your solicitor with is:

Name of charity: Ardgowan Hospice
Scottish Charity number: SC011541
Address: 12 Nelson Street, Greenock, PA15 1TS

No. You do not need to let us know if you have decided to include Ardgowan Hospice in your will, but we would love it if you did tell us, so we are able to thank you appropriately! We will also never ask you the size or type of gift if you decide to support the hospice.

No. At Ardgowan Hospice we have been lucky to receive a wide range of incredible legacies over the years. From rare collectors items and oil paintings to beautiful glassware and percentages of peoples estates.

Many people choose to leave a gift in their will to Ardgowan Hospice in memory of a loved one. If you would like to share more about your decision to support the future of Ardgowan Hospice and the time your loved one spent with us, we would love to talk. Simply email marketing@ardgowanhospice.org and a member of our team will be in touch!

Yes. Should your circumstances change, you are able to remove us from your will at any time.

Solicitors supporting Ardgowan Hospice

Please find below suggestions of solicitors who can assist you with leaving a gift in your will for free.

Senior partner Duncan Luke

Blair & Bryden

4 Cathcart Square, Greenock, PA15 1BS
Office number:
01475 558420
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
closed for lunch 12:30pm to 1:30pm

The team at

Neill Clerk and Murray

Neill Clerk & Murray
3 Ardgowan Square
Greenock PA16 8NW
Tel: 01475 724522

Contact us today!

If you would like to find out more about leaving a legacy, please get in touch by completing our contact form.

    • "Gifts in wills are incredibly important to Ardgowan Hospice. They allow us to plan for the future with confidence, ensuring that we can continue to provide our much-needed services to those who rely on us. These gifts, no matter the size, create a lasting legacy that touches countless lives.

      By leaving a gift in your will, you’re helping us provide compassionate care for years to come. It’s a way to ensure that your values live on and that your kindness continues to make an impact long after your lifetime."

      Elaine Grealey, Head of Income and Generation

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