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Compliments, Concerns and Complaints

To help us provide the best services for the people we serve, we need to know how we are doing. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. We know that many people tell us good things about our services. But we also know we are human and will make mistakes. We want the opportunity to explore those things and ensure they don’t happen again.

So, here’s a chance for you to have your say- good or bad. It includes the opportunity to make a formal complaint, which will be dealt with through our formal complaints process. Please remember, though, that you have the right, at any time, to make a complaint about our services to Health Improvement Scotland, which is responsible for ensuring the quality of all health services in Scotland.

Individuals wishing to make a Healthcare complaint can also contact us in writing:

Pauline McIntyre
Director of Patient & Family Services at Ardgowan Hospice
12 Nelson Street
PA15 1TS

You can also contact Health Improvement Scotland:

Address: Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Independent Healthcare Team, Gyle Square,1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9EB
Telephone: 0131 623 4342

  • Whatever brings you here, may you find the care, compassion, and support you need right now.
    We know that, for many, coming through our front door for the first time can be scary, and you may be anxious or have some fears.

    We hope that instead you find a bunch of people who are on your side, wanting to serve you, show you love, care, and compassion, and help allay any fears or worries you may have.

    Graham Gardiner

Tell us what you think

Using our Tell Us What You Think Form:

The form is simple to use. We promise it won’t take long to complete. It really does help us to hear from you. When you press submit, the CEO will get an email. If your feedback needs investigating, they will pass it on to the relevant senior manager. If you have asked for a response, you will get initial feedback within two working days. Thank you for taking the time to let us know what you think of the services we provide!

We are always keen to hear about your experiences of Ardgowan Hospice care and support - what has worked and where can we improve. This helps us to develop and improve our services.


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The Road to Purpose: Roy Ellison Reaches 150,000 Miles

2024 – A Year of Hope and Generosity

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2024 – A Year of Hope and Generosity

Community Hub Team Highlights Service Development at SPPC Conference

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Community Hub Team Highlights Service Development at SPPC Conference

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