External Services Available for Patients and Families

At Ardgowan Hospice, we know how difficult it can be to find the right services for you and your loved ones.

The short list below is just some of the external services that we advise patients and their families to use on a variety of things. Take a look and see what would be best suited to your needs.

External Services

Good to Go Insurance: Good to Go Insurance are experts in providing travel insurance for pre-existing medical conditions, and they have no upper age limits.

They can cover all types of medical conditions, up to a high level of severity, including most heart conditions, mental health conditions, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, COPD and dementia.  They can also cover your travelling companions on the same policy so you can all be insured together: https://www.goodtogoinsurance.com/

Making Insurance Accessible: MIA is available to help provide you with affordable travel insurance and the personal service you deserve. Whatever your travel insurance needs, let MIA help you find a solution that is right for you.

MIA understand getting travel insurance, especially with medical conditions covered can be a tough task. They ensure that you understand and feel comfortable with what we are saying and the policies we are offering: https://www.miatravelinsurance.co.uk/

Global Health Insurance Card: The UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) lets you get necessary state healthcare in the European Economic Area (EEA), and some other countries, on the same basis as a resident of that country. This may be free or it may require a payment equivalent to that which a local resident would pay.

The UK GHIC has replaced the existing European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). To apply, follow the link here: https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/healthcare-abroad/apply-for-a-free-uk-global-health-insurance-card-ghic/

Life Ledger: With Life Ledger, you can contact all the companies connected with the deceased from a single point, saving hours and removing the need to have the same difficult conversation over and over again.

You can use Life Ledger to inform over 1,000 UK companies, ranging from banks, insurers and pension providers to gas, water, telecoms and social media. You can track the progress of your notifications, directly contact the companies and upload required documents in one place.

For more information, follow the link here: https://lifeledger.com/


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