Light Up A Life 2024

When someone we love dies, it’s a profound experience that can shape us in many ways. Our world changes, and we must learn to navigate it anew.

Yet, even in the midst of our grief, we can find solace in remembering and celebrating the life of our loved one. We can cherish the memories we shared and draw strength from their love.

On December 1st, we would like to invite you to do just that in person. Our Service takes place at 4pm in Westburn Church, Greenock. It is a time to come together as a community to reflect on the lives of our loved ones and to find support and compassion.

We invite you to join us for this special service, to celebrate the people you love and miss by taking some time out at the busiest time of year to reflect and remember. Everyone is welcome to join in and remember someone in this special way, whether or not you have a connection with the Hospice.

The service will include music, readings, and a tree-lighting ceremony, and is open to people of any background. You are welcome to come whether or not you have lost a loved one to a terminal illness.

You can use this page to leave a dedication to someone who made your life special, you can leave a message and a treasured photograph to display here on our Light up a Life page. You will also have the opportunity to make a kind donation to the hospice. This is optional and will help us care for people with life-limiting illnesses in our community this Christmas and beyond.

Make a dedication to our Light up a Life Appeal here


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